his ark. While we do not claim that our advance knowledge of impending difficult situations would he as reliable as his, we do try to foresee and to provide in advance for both natural and manmade disturbances.
Follow the suggestions we've made here and you and your family will be organized to meet any emergency that might arise.
Then, if something should happen, refer to this booklet for the action you should take. Remain calm and keep your telephone calls to the absolute minimum, thus assisting the prompt passage of messages between those who MUST use it for emergency purposes.
Don’t listen to rumors. You will receive news of the real situation through our official channels. Your coolness and cooperation are your and our best assets and can be a real help to others. Sit tight and await instructions. Don't panic!
Remember the bamboo. It survives many things because it is adaptable and can "Bend with the Wind"!
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